Living with Purpose

Relax, Resource, & Rebuild

Relaxation helps us unwind, refocus, and replenish our mental and emotional energies. Setting aside time for clarity and self-care helps us calmly access our inner resources. By tapping into these internal reservoirs, we empower ourselves to rebuild and move forward with determination, using setbacks as stepping stones for growth and renewal.

Dr. Indhira Ghyssaert & Benoit Demacq

Founders and Directors

Doctor Indhira Ghyssaert, born in Switzerland and raised in Monaco, specialized in family medicine in Belgium. She is a general medical doctor who specializes in nutrition, integrative medicine, and diabetes management, bringing with her 15 years of experience in medicine, vitamin detection, and boosting immune systems. On the other hand, Benoit Demacq is from Belgium and is an expert in psychoeducational accompaniment with two master's degrees; one in mediation and conflict prevention and the other in emotional intelligence. Both individuals lead a natural lifestyle in the mountains of the Tramuntana and are committed to organizing tailored health programs. By combining a range of specialized skills and perspectives, they create enriching environments that nurture personal development and holistic healing. Their dedication is evident in the thoughtful curation of programs that address mind, body, and soul, offering participants a comprehensive journey towards enhanced self-awareness and sustainable well-being.

Walking the Path of Integrity

Infusing Our Work With Our Deepest Values

Imagine arriving at a bank with a substantial amount of money to deposit, seeking secure storage for your funds, only to be told that there are no available safe boxes for your deposit. It would undoubtedly be a disconcerting situation, highlighting the importance of adequate security measures. Similarly, envisioning a health retreat without a foundation rooted in profound values is akin to a precarious scenario. Just as the absence of secure storage jeopardizes the safety of funds, the absence of foundational values can jeopardize the success and well-being of a health retreat. These essential values serve as the pillars upon which the retreat's development hinges, ensuring its flourishing and fruitful outcomes. Consequently, when these values are integrated into our relationships, they form an unshakeable framework that fosters continual growth and prosperity.


It involves being truthful in words, actions, and intentions.


It encompasses consistency between beliefs, words, and actions.


A willingness to offer support, comfort, and encouragement to those in need.


It involves a genuine understanding of others emotions without judgment.


Taking responsibility for one's actions, decisions, and obligations.


Recognizing the inherent worth, dignity, and rights of every individual.


Touching the heart: bringing warmth and light to both giver and receiver


Sharing resources, time, or just a kind word foster unity within relationships.


Shifting our focus from what is missing to what is abundant brings fulfillment.


It is the capacity to maintain composure and calmness while things happen.


Empowers us to break free from limitations & unleash our potential


It is a reflection of our innermost values, beliefs, and emotions through actions.


Optimism fuels our motivation & inspires us to dream big and reach for the stars


It is a quality that invites growth, fosters collaboration, and nurtures acceptance.


It is the unwavering commitment to continue moving forward.

Self Discipline

The ability to control one's impulses, emotions, and behaviors.


It inspires our creativity, expands our horizons, and keeps us attentive.


The ability to adapt and adjust to changing circumstances with grace.


Fosters synergy, creativity, & innovation, leveraging the diverse strengths.


Encourages self-expression, originality, and an exploratory, innovative mentality.


It is accepting and respecting differences in beliefs, opinions, cultures.

Elevating, Encouraging, & Enriching

"Elevating" suggests lifting one's thoughts and perspective to a higher level, encouraging personal growth and self-improvement. "Encouraging" provides motivation and support, instilling confidence and positivity in facing challenges. Lastly, "enriching" implies adding value and depth to one's mindset, filling it with valuable experiences, knowledge, and wisdom that promote a positive outlook on life.

Genuine connections are the cornerstone of our approach

Embracing Uniqueness

1 - Distinctive

At our health program, we understand that true healing goes beyond just physical well-being. That's why we prioritize building genuine connections with each and every one of our clients. From the moment you walk through our doors, you are greeted with warmth and compassion. Our team takes the time to listen to your concerns, goals, and aspirations. We believe that by truly understanding your unique needs, we can provide personalized support that leads to long-lasting results. Whether it's a friendly smile or a reassuring hand on your shoulder, we go above and beyond to make you feel seen and heard.

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2 - Unparalleled

Through open communication and empathy, we create a safe space for you to share your journey without judgment. Our approach is rooted in respect for your individuality and empowerment in making positive choices for your health. By fostering a supportive environment built on trust and understanding, we aim to cultivate a deep sense of connection and collaboration with you. We value your unique experiences and perspectives, honoring them as integral parts of the healing process. Together, we strive to co-create a path towards holistic wellness that is tailored to your needs and honors your inner wisdom and strengths.

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3 - Incomparable

Our approach is rooted in the belief that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and compassion. We strive to cultivate an environment where you can express yourself authentically and explore your health journey at your own pace. Whether you're seeking support for physical wellness or emotional well-being, we tailor our approach to meet your specific needs and goals. By embracing your individuality, we empower you to make positive choices that align with your values and aspirations. Together, we work towards building a foundation of trust and understanding that fosters growth and transformation.

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4 - Essential

In a fast-paced world filled with distractions and external influences, taking the time to focus on self-growth and self-discovery is essential. It allows us to delve deep into our inner being, uncovering hidden talents, passions, and potential that may have been lying dormant. Self-growth enables us to evolve, learn from past experiences, and continuously improve ourselves.

By prioritizing self-discovery, we gain a greater understanding of who we are at our core. This introspection helps us align our actions with our values and beliefs, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life. Embracing personal growth also empowers us to set meaningful goals, break free from limitations, and cultivate resilience in the face of challenges.

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5 - Uplifting

Investing in self-improvement is a powerful journey that not only enhances our individual well-being but also radiates positive transformations into every corner of our lives. Self-growth serves as a beacon of light, guiding us to shed limiting beliefs, negative patterns, and toxic habits that hinder our progress towards realizing our full capabilities. As we embrace personal growth, we nourish the seeds of resilience, inner strength, and a positive mindset within ourselves, equipping us with the tools needed to confidently navigate life's twists and turns with grace and unwavering self-assurance. This comprehensive approach to self-betterment affects our relationships, career, and world, producing a ripple effect of inspiration

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6 - Inspiring

Exploring our inner nature involves peeling back the layers of conditioning, fears, and beliefs that have shaped us over time. By delving into our emotions, thoughts, and desires with curiosity and openness, we unveil hidden aspects of ourselves that may have been overlooked or suppressed. This process of self-discovery enables us to gain clarity on what drives us, what brings us joy, and what holds us back. Through introspection and reflection, we can align our actions with our true essence, leading to a more authentic and fulfilling life. As we deepen our understanding of our inner nature, we cultivate self-awareness and compassion towards ourselves and others. This newfound knowledge empowers us.

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